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- <!-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // File: tooltip.htc
- //
- // Description: This behavior allows web authors to add tooltips to any
- // element on the page. Any HTML can be included in the
- // tooltip, including images and CSS formatting. Web authors
- // can also control the placement and duration of the tooltip.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
- <PROPERTY NAME="avoidMouse" />
- <PROPERTY NAME="element" />
- <PROPERTY NAME="delay" />
- <PROPERTY NAME="duration" />
- <METHOD NAME="HideTip" />
- <METHOD NAME="ShowTip" />
- <EVENT NAME="onshow" ID="show" />
- <EVENT NAME="onhide" ID="hide" />
- <EVENT NAME="onerror" ID="error" />
- <ATTACH EVENT="ondocumentready" HANDLER="DoInit" />
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="jscript">
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Global Variables
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var bShowing; // Tracks if the tooltip is showing
- var bOverTip; // Tracks if the mouse is over the tooltip
- var iOffsetX; // Tracks the left position to show the tooltip
- var iOffsetY; // Tracks the top position to show the tooltip
- var oCurrTip; // Tracks the element that is left to move over the tooltip
- var iOffsetW; // Tracks the width of the tooltip
- var iOffsetH; // Tracks the height of the tooltip
- var oTipElem; // Tracks the element property when AttachEvent is called.
- // This allows DetachEvent to undo the attached events
- // If the element property is changed at runtime.
- var bFixedLocation; //Tracks is a pop-up will be in a fixed location (upper-left corner)
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoInit
- //
- // Description: Calls functions to initialize behavior. Attaches events
- // that are not attached using the <ATTACH> element to prevent
- // firing the events until the defaults are set and the
- // behavior is initialized.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoInit()
- {
- SetDefaults();
- AttachElement();
- attachEvent("onmouseover", DoMouseOverTip);
- attachEvent("onmouseout", DoMouseOutTip);
- attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeTip);
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: SetDefaults
- //
- // Description: Called during the initialization of the behavior. Sets
- // the required settings for CSS properties and defaults for
- // regular CSS properties (the NormalDefault() function), and
- // attribute/properties.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SetDefaults()
- {
- // CSS hard-coded defaults (required settings)
- style.position = "absolute";
- style.visibility = "hidden";
- // CSS Property Defaults
- NormalDefault('fontSize', '12', '8pt');
- NormalDefault('fontFamily', 'Times New Roman', 'Arial');
- NormalDefault('padding', '0px', '5 2 5 2');
- NormalDefault('backgroundColor', 'transparent', '#e9efff');
- NormalDefault('borderStyle', 'none', 'solid');
- NormalDefault('borderWidth', 'medium', '1px');
- NormalDefault('borderColor', '#000000', 'black');
- NormalDefault('color', '#000000', 'black');
- //style.width = GetWidth(); // Set the width by calling GetWidth()
- //style.height = GetHeight(); // Set the height by calling GetHeight()
- style.width = 350; // Set the width by calling GetWidth()
- style.height = 10; // Set the height by calling GetHeight()
- style.display = "none";
- style.visibility = "visible";
- iOffsetW = parseInt(style.width);
- iOffsetH = parseInt(style.height);
- // Attribute | Property Defaults
- if (avoidMouse == null) avoidMouse = false;
- if (delay == null) delay = 0;
- if (duration == null) duration = 10;
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: NormalDefault
- //
- // Description: Sets the defaults for CSS properties by checking the
- // currentStyle and style of the object against the Internet Explorer
- // default.
- //
- // Arguments: sCSSName - the CSS name of the property
- // sIEDefault - the Internet Explorer standard default of the property
- // sDefault - the desired default of the property
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function NormalDefault(sCSSName, sIEDefault, sDefault)
- {
- if (currentStyle[sCSSName] == sIEDefault
- && (style[sCSSName] == "" || style[sCSSName] == null))
- {
- style[sCSSName] = sDefault;
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoPropChangeTip
- //
- // Description: If the element
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoPropChangeTip()
- {
- var propertyName = window.event.propertyName;
- if (propertyName == "element")
- {
- DetachElement();
- AttachElement();
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoPropChangeElem
- //
- // Description: If the ALT or TITLE property of the element the tooltip is
- // attached to are changed, this function prevents that change
- // and fires the error event.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoPropChangeElem()
- {
- var propertyName = window.event.propertyName.toLowerCase();
- var srcElement = window.event.srcElement;
- if (propertyName == "title" || propertyName == "alt")
- {
- // Detach the propertychange event while the next steps are performed
- srcElement.detachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- // Set ALT and TITLE to empty string
- srcElement.title = "";
- //srcElement.alt = "";
- // Reattach the propertychange event.
- srcElement.attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetHeight
- //
- // Description: This function helps set the height of the tooltip, either
- // by grabbing the explicit value set on the page or by using
- // the getBoundingClientRect() method.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: currentStyle.height if currentStyle.height is not equal to
- // "auto" (which would likely signal it was not set by the
- // html page).
- // iHeight if currentStyle.height is equal to "auto". iHeight
- // is a value based on the getBoundingClientRect() method on
- // the tooltip object.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetHeight()
- {
- if (currentStyle.height != "auto") return currentStyle.height;
- else
- {
- var oHeight = getBoundingClientRect();
- var iHeight = oHeight.bottom - oHeight.top;
- return iHeight;
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetWidth
- //
- // Description: This function helps set the width of the tooltip, either
- // by grabbing the explicit value set on the page or by using
- // the getBoundingClientRect() method.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: currentStyle.width if currentStyle.width is not equal to
- // "auto" (which would likely signal it was not set by the
- // html page).
- // iWidth if currentStyle.width is equal to "auto". iWidth is
- // a value based on the getBoundingClientRect() method on
- // the tooltip object.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetWidth()
- {
- if (currentStyle.width != "auto") return currentStyle.width;
- else
- {
- var oWidth = getBoundingClientRect();
- var iWidth = oWidth.right - oWidth.left;
- return iWidth;
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DetachElement
- //
- // Description: Un-Attaches the events attached by AttachEvent(). This
- // function is called when the element property of the tooltip
- // is changed, so that the old element no longer calls the
- // tooltip.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DetachElement()
- {
- oDetach = eval('window.document.all["' + oTipElem + '"]');
- if (oDetach.length != null && oDetach.length > 1)
- {
- for (i=0; i<oDetach.length; i++)
- {
- oDetach(i).detachEvent("onmouseover", DoMouseOverElem);
- oDetach(i).detachEvent("onclick", DoMouseClickElem);
- oDetach(i).detachEvent("onmouseout", DoMouseOutElem);
- oDetach(i).detachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- oAttach(i).detachEvent("onkeypress", DoKeyPressElem);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- oDetach.detachEvent("onmouseover", DoMouseOverElem);
- oDetach.detachEvent("onclick", DoMouseClickElem);
- oDetach.detachEvent("onmouseout", DoMouseOutElem);
- oDetach.detachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- oAttach.detachEvent("onkeypress", DoKeyPressElem);
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: AttachElement
- //
- // Description: Attaches onmouseover, onmouseout, and onproperty change
- // to the element the tooltip is assigned to (via the element
- // property). If the element is a collection, the members
- // of the collection are enumerated. If the element does
- // not exist, an error is returned.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if the element does not exist
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AttachElement()
- {
- //
- // Set a variable equal to the object represented by the ID specified
- // in the tooltip element.
- //
- var oAttach = eval('window.document.all["' + element.element + '"]');
- // If the element does not exist, return an error
- if (oAttach == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- //
- // If the element is a collection (more than one element with the same
- // ID), the events are attached to each member of the collection.
- //
- else if (oAttach.length != null && oAttach.length > 1)
- {
- for (i=0; i<oAttach.length; i++)
- {
- oAttach(i).attachEvent("onmouseover", DoMouseOverElem);
- oAttach(i).attachEvent("onclick", DoMouseClickElem);
- oAttach(i).attachEvent("onmouseout", DoMouseOutElem);
- oAttach(i).title = "";
- //if (oAttach(i).tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") oAttach(i).alt = "";
- oAttach(i).attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- oAttach(i).attachEvent("onkeypress", DoKeyPressElem);
- }
- }
- // Otherwise, the events are attached to the single element.
- else
- {
- oAttach.attachEvent("onmouseover", DoMouseOverElem);
- oAttach.attachEvent("onclick", DoMouseClickElem);
- oAttach.attachEvent("onmouseout", DoMouseOutElem);
- oAttach.title = "";
- //if (oAttach.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") oAttach.alt = "";
- oAttach.attachEvent("onpropertychange", DoPropChangeElem);
- oAttach.attachEvent("onkeypress", DoKeyPressElem);
- }
- // Set the variable to track the element's ID
- oTipElem = element.element;
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ShowTip
- //
- // Description: Method to show tooltip.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if bShowing is false (this prevents the ShowTip from
- // repeatedly being called by mousing over the element
- // and the tooltip).
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ShowTip()
- {
- if (!bShowing) return false;
- var oBody = window.document.all["mainSection"];
- // Make the tooltip visible
- style.display = "block";
- // Set the position of the tooltip
- if(bFixedLocation)
- {
- style.left = iOffsetX + oBody.scrollLeft;
- style.top = iOffsetY + oBody.scrollTop;
- }
- else
- {
- style.left = iOffsetX + 25;
- style.top = iOffsetY + 20;
- //Check to see if the tool-tip will appear off the bottom of the screen
- //and move it up if it will.
- if((iOffsetY + clientHeight) > (oBody.offsetHeight + oBody.scrollTop))
- style.top = iOffsetY - clientHeight;
- }
- // Fire the onshow event
- show.fire();
- childNodes[0].focus();
- // Start the timer to turn off the tooltip (call HideTip())
- setTimeout(uniqueID + ".HideTip()", duration * 1000);
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: HideTip
- //
- // Description: Method to hide tooltip.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if the user has moved from the element to the tooltip
- // and the avoidMouse property is set to false.
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function HideTip()
- {
- if (bOverTip && (avoidMouse == "false" || avoidMouse == false)) return false;
- bShowing = false;
- // Hide the tooltip
- style.display = "none";
- // Fire the onhide event
- hide.fire();
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoMouseOverElem
- //
- // Description: Calls the ShowTip() methods after the delay period (set by
- // the delay property) has expired.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if the mouse is returning from the tooltip
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoMouseOverElem()
- {
- return;
- /*
- // If the mouse is coming back from the tooltip, return
- if (window.event.fromElement == element) return false;
- // Base the position of the tooltip on the position of the mouse
- iOffsetX = window.event.x - 10;
- iOffsetY = window.event.y + 18;
- // Set tracking variable
- bShowing = true;
- // Call ShowTip() after delay
- if (delay != -1) setTimeout(uniqueID + ".ShowTip()", delay);
- */
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoMouseClickElem
- //
- // Description: Retrieves the appropriate data and Calls the ShowTip()
- // method when a tool tip item is clicked on.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if the mouse is returning from the tooltip
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoMouseClickElem()
- {
- // If the mouse is coming back from the tooltip, return
- if (window.event.fromElement == element) return false;
- if(element.element == 'parameterToolTip')
- element.innerText = "";
- if((element.innerText == "") || (element.innerText == null))
- {
- if(element.element == 'parameterToolTip')
- {
- var DLs = window.document.all.tags("dl");
- var found = false;
- if(DLs == null)
- return false;
- for(var i = 0; i < DLs.length; i++)
- {
- if(DLs[i].paramName != null)
- {
- if(DLs[i].paramName == window.event.srcElement.innerHTML)
- {
- element.innerHTML = DLs[i].outerHTML;
- found = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- return false;
- }
- else if(element.element == 'languageFilterToolTip')
- {
- var languageFilterSection = window.document.all["languageSpan"];
- if(languageFilterSection == null)
- return false;
- element.innerHTML = languageFilterSection.innerHTML;
- }
- else if(element.element == 'membersOptionsFilterToolTip')
- {
- var membersOptionsFilterSection = window.document.all["membersOptionsSpan"];
- if(membersOptionsFilterSection == null)
- return false;
- element.innerHTML = membersOptionsFilterSection.innerHTML;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if((element.element == 'languageFilterToolTip') || (element.element == 'membersOptionsFilterToolTip'))
- {
- iOffsetX = 0;
- iOffsetY = window.event.srcElement.parentElement.offsetTop;
- bFixedLocation = true;
- }
- else
- {
- iOffsetX = window.event.srcElement.offsetLeft;
- iOffsetY = Calculate_offsetTop(window.event.srcElement);
- bfixedLocation = false;
- }
- // Set tracking variable
- bShowing = true;
- if(element.element == 'membersOptionsFilterToolTip')
- set_protectedCheckbox();
- // Call ShowTip() after delay
- if (delay != -1) setTimeout(uniqueID + ".ShowTip()", delay);
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Calculate_offsetTop
- //
- // Description: Calulates the combined offsetTop(s) from the souce element
- // upto the DIV tag. This will provide the location of an
- // element on a page.
- //
- // Arguments: element
- //
- // Returns: integer of the combined offsetTop(s).
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Calculate_offsetTop(e)
- {
- if(e.tagName != 'DIV')
- return e.offsetTop + Calculate_offsetTop(e.offsetParent);
- else
- return e.offsetTop;
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: set_protectedCheckbox()
- //
- // Description: Set the value of the protectedCheckbox based on the value of
- // the 'protectedCheckbox' variable in script.js
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function set_protectedCheckbox()
- {
- if(element.element == 'membersOptionsFilterToolTip')
- {
- var inputCollection = element.getElementsByTagName("input");
- if(inputCollection != null)
- {
- for(var x = 0; x < inputCollection.length; x++)
- {
- if(inputCollection[x].id == 'protectedCheckbox')
- {
- if(protectedMembers != null)
- {
- if(protectedMembers == 'on')
- inputCollection[x].checked = true;
- else
- inputCollection[x].checked = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoKeyPressElem
- //
- // Description: Calls the DoMouseClickElem() method if the ENTER key
- // was used.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoKeyPressElem()
- {
- if(window.event.keyCode == 13)
- DoMouseClickElem();
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoMouseOutElem
- //
- // Description: Calls the HideTip() method after a 200ms delay (currently
- // hard-coded).
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoMouseOutElem()
- {
- // Call HideTip after a 200ms delay
- setTimeout(uniqueID + ".HideTip()", 500);
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoMouseOverTip
- //
- // Description: Sets the variable to track if the mouse is over the tooltip
- // itself. This assists in the process of allowing the user
- // to mouse over the tooltip itself, in the case where it
- // contains links, etc. Note, this function is not called if
- // the avoidMouse property is set to true.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoMouseOverTip()
- {
- oCurrTip = window.event.fromElement;
- bOverTip = true;
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DoMouseOutTip
- //
- // Description: This function occurs on the mouseout event of the tooltip.
- // When the user mouses out of the tooltip, the HideTip()
- // method is called. As in the DoMouseOverTip() function above,
- // this function is not called if the avoidMouse Property is
- // set to true.
- //
- // Arguments: none
- //
- // Returns: false if the srcElement is inside of the tooltip
- // false if the mouse is returning to the tip element
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DoMouseOutTip()
- {
- //
- // If the element causing the mouseout is inside the tooltip container,
- // don't hide the tooltip
- //
- if (element.contains(window.event.toElement)) return false;
- // If the mouse is returning to the tip element, don't hide the tooltip
- if (window.event.toElement == oCurrTip)
- {
- bOverTip = false;
- oCurrTip = null;
- return false;
- }
- bOverTip = false;
- HideTip();
- }
- //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ReturnError
- //
- // Description: Fires the error event, along with a descriptive text
- // message.
- //
- // Arguments: sMsg - descriptive text message
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ReturnError(sMsg)
- {
- var oEvent = createEventObject();
- oEvent.setAttribute("error", sMsg);
- error.fire(oEvent);
- }